


以第一作者或通讯作者身份在《Accident analysis and prevention》、《Journal of safety research》、《Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour》、《心理科学》等国内外SSCI、CSSCI期刊发表论文30余篇。主持并完成教育部人文社科项目、江苏省哲社项目、江苏省高校哲社重大项目及江苏省教科规划十二五、十三五项目6项;承担南通轨道交通集团有限公司、南通中远海运船务工程有限公司EAP服务项目多项;以主要参与者身份参与国家自然科学基金项目、国家交通运输部课题、中国科协调研课题,以及江苏省交通科学研究计划项目等多个项目的研究工作。担任Accident analysis and prevention, Journal of safety research, Traffic injury prevention等多个SSCI学术期刊匿名审稿人。2017年获得交通运输部“吴福—振华交通教育优秀教师奖”。





SSCI收录Yang, Y., Su, F., Ge, Y., Wang, H.,(通讯作者) Schwebel, D.C.(2024). Predictors of child restraint usage among Chinese parents. Journal of Safety Research, 91,120-125.

SSCI收录:Wang, H., Su, X., Fan, M., & Schwebel, D. C. (2024). The more peers are present, the more adventurous? How peer presence influences adolescent pedestrian safety.Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 102,155-163.

SSCI收录:Wang, H., Su, F.,Schwebel, D.C.(2023). Mobile phone use while cycling among e-bikers in China: Reasoned or social reactive?.Journal of Safety Research.85, 8-14.

EI收录:Wang, H., Li, D., Wang, Z., Song, J., Gao, Z., & Schwebel, D. C. (2023). Who Should We Choose to Sacrifice, Self or Pedestrian? Evaluating Moral Decision-Making in Virtual Reality. Lecture Notes in Computer Science14018 LNAI, 560-572.

SSCI收录:Wang, H., Li, D., Wang, Q., Schwebel, DC, Miao, L., & Shen, Y. (2022) .How distraction affects pedestrian response: Evidence from behavior patterns and cortex oxyhemoglobin changes. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 91, 414-430.

SSCI收录:Wang, H., Wang, A., Su, F., & Schwebel, D. C.(2022).The effect of age and sensation seeking on pedestrian crossing safety in a virtual reality street. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 88, 99-110.

SSCI收录: Miao,L., Gu, Y., He, L., Wang, H.(通讯作者), Schwebel, D. C., & Shen Y. (2021). The influence of music tempo on mental load and hazard perception of novice drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 157, 106168.

SSCI收录: Wang, H., Morgan,C. Li, D, Huang, R., & Schwebel, D.C. (2021).Children’s fear in traffic and its association with pedestrian decisions. Journal of Safety Research, (76), 56-63.

SCI收录:Wang, H., He,Y., Shi, L., Wang, J., Miao, L., & Dai, J .(2020).Willingness to engage in and current status of social participation among Chinese merchant sailors. Plos one, 15(11), 1-14.

SCI&SSCI收录Wang, H., Gao, Z., Shen, T., Li, F., Xu, J., & Schwebel DC. (2020). Roles of individual differences and traffic environment factors on children's street-crossing behavior in a VR environment. Injury Prevention, (26), 417–423.

SCI&SSCI收录: Wang, H., Shi, L., & Schwebel, D.C. (2019). Relations between adolescent sensation seeking and traffic injury: Multiple mediating effects of road safety attitudes, intentions and behaviors. Traffic Injury Prevention,20(8),789-795.

SCI收录:Wang, H., Wu, M., Cheng, X., & Schwebel, D.C.(2019). The Road User Behaviours of Chinese Adolescents: Data From China and a Comparison With Adolescents in Other Countries. Annals of Global Health, 85(1),76, 1–10.

SSCI收录:Wang, H., Tan, D., Schwebel, D.C., Shi, L., & Miao, L.(2018). Effect of age on children’s pedestrian behaviour: Results from an observational study. Transportation Research Part F, (58), 556-565.

SSCI收录:Wang, H., Schwebel, D.C., Tan, D., Shi, L., & Miao, L.(2018). Gender differences in children's pedestrian behaviors: Developmental effects. Journal of Safety Research, 67,127-133.

CSSCI王华容,施利承,缪绿青,谭顶良.(2018).小学生在交通情境中的视觉搜索:发展的观点.心理科学, 41(3),601-607.

SSCI收录:Wang, H., Mo, X., Wang, Y., Liu, R., Qiu, P., & Dai, J. (2016). Assessing Chinese Coach Drivers' Fitness to Drive: The Development of a Toolkit Based on Cognition Measurements .Accident Analysis & Prevention, (95), 395-404.



